January 11, 2010

Money Does It All

It's a little late but when it comes to matters like this, I'll notice it late..INTENTIONALLY.
Most of us (the Unisel's BJ campus members) knew of the increasing total of registration fees this semester. I mean, RM 830++ to RM1087.50? What the heck?! Can someone tell me the rationale of increasing the fees? And they'll charged on some vague..things like laboratory, etc. I mean, come on man. TESLites don't use lab for heaven's sake! Whenever I think of stuff like this I'll turn out raging. Greedy creatures. Owh, you're so gonna PAY for this in the after world!

Blurting out your anger in English is no fun.
Tak puas nak marah la.
But hey, that'll only making me age faster.
I'm 21.
Chill out.
Lalala ~ singing Teru Teru Momiji.

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