April 4, 2011

Kaleidoscope Blunder

Say hello to the new banner!
[Gilak bah kau esok lagi ada skolah bah..]

Yes, I took the privilege of my beauty sleep to make a new banner and retouch this dude's pitcha.
Despite having to renew my licence and attending school this morning. Yeah, I'm friggin loco.
The dude above is actually, I don't know who the hell he is but we met him next bench when me, Abah and Mak went for 'aircraft-spectating' at the KLIA. I nearly got caught by him when he suddenly woke up and stared at me. And then he fell asleep again. -_-;

So if you found my blog, my apologise pal.
But you were to hilarious to ignore. XD

ps: Credits to En. TaQ0, owner of DuniaGrafikSaya.blogspot for nominating me for most-read blog of 2011. Honestly, what do you get from my blog incik? XD