October 6, 2009

Aku Yang Slightly Malu

Aku baru prasan.
Padahal benda tu super obvious.
Alahai Anis...

Venue : Music Room B
Class : Sociolinguistic

What actually happened?
Mr. Choo dengan suara lantang ala2 Mr. Salesman die cam biase spoonfed kitorang.
Today's topic was code-switching. Maka sampailah ke point proverbs as code-switching.
Dengan tekun lagi istiqamah aku pon salin la ape yang diproject ke dinding putih.
Suddenly, bile sampai ke point berkenaan..

- Exact words are important
- Function : a) to emphasise the precise..

Eh, eh. Pesal aku rasa lain macam?


Emphasise is spelled as e-m-p-h-a-s-i-S-e.
Not e-m-p-h-a-s-i-Z-e. That's American English sleepyhead!

Nice one.
Aku terlepas pandang.
Accepted English in Malaysian universities is British English.
So much for a TESL student.
Shame on you hon.
Shame on you...T_T

Immortalise the rise.

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